
the wings that we found all over the floor the next morning
hey all, just to let you know so you don't worry, the radio silence may continue for awhile. a number of factors are at play. the first one is that i just honestly don't know where to even begin. it seems like every other day we face some strange new crisis, many of them life or death situations (not for us- for our staff, our patients, etc). i get overwhelmed and don't bother writing because i can't tell it all. also, i have had very limited access to the computer lately (the guy who works on it is on it ALL the time). the only time i can get on is at night, which isn't going to happen for the next 18 days or so. we're in the midst of the most disgusting phenomena EVER. there is a huge flying ant-like thing that is going through some crazy life-cycle stage right now and at night the air is so thick with them that there is nowhere to go but into your mosquito net (and far away from any light source, like the computer). you honestly can't fathom how many of them there are, so i had to get out from the safety of my net to take a video and pictures to prove it. in the morning the ground is COVERED in huge wings (on our dishes, in our food, carpeting the entire floor inside as they come in towards the light) and dead wingless insects. this morning i poured myself a bowl of cornflakes and wings. then i decided that i actually wasn't that hungry. they say it only lasts 20 days and they'd better not be joking. last night i turned to gustavo and said "sorry but i'm leaving tomorrow". he says "are you serious?". i say "no, but i wish i was". then, to top it off, i was planning to write today, to get back into the rhythm, and our generator died. this means that we can only use our small one that can only run for 3 hours at a time and then has to rest for several hours. so now, the only time i have to write, the battery is running out and i have about 2 minutes left. adios.
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