Amy's Adventures in Darfur

I started this blog when I left for Darfur in June 2006. I was working as a midwife with MSF aka "Medecins Sans Frontiers" aka "Doctors without Borders" but this blog contains my own opinions and stories- not those of MSF. It is less political than I want it to be and I have been unable to post stories about certain topics due to the fact that this is on the internet and accessible to anyone. I wish I could tell you all of the stories but since I can't, I will tell you the ones that I can...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i relent

ok, forget my last email. seriously, in the last day i've received some of the most amazing emails i've ever read (some from people i don't even know)- all of them encouraging me to keep writing as is. some were inspiring and made me think, some were hilarious and made me laugh, and hence i have been persuaded (yeah yeah, make me laugh and i'm jelly in your hands. i'm just that cheap). as much as all of the letters were beautiful and/or funny, i'm going to include the two quotes that most cemented it for me. one is from my best friend kate and, although her Biblical facts are slightly off, the point she was trying to make is a sound one :)

"even Jesus used some naughty words there at the end when his scene got stressful. but think how different the story would be if he hadn't yelled about it, and if no one had written it down"

this is the girl who also gave me this piece of advice when i was first leaving for aghanistan...."i know in the Bible they're pretty clear about not doing this, but if it comes down to it...fall to your knees and pray to Allah- God will understand" (a quote that can still make me laugh out loud). the other quote was from my friend mayan, who said this:

"I will come to africa via sea turtle and break your femur if you try to hold back for MY sake".

as tempted as i am to provoke her to fulfill that threat, i feel that when push comes to shove, she wouldn't really come via turtle.

alright then, on with the stories........ but don't say i didn't warn you


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