Amy's Adventures in Darfur

I started this blog when I left for Darfur in June 2006. I was working as a midwife with MSF aka "Medecins Sans Frontiers" aka "Doctors without Borders" but this blog contains my own opinions and stories- not those of MSF. It is less political than I want it to be and I have been unable to post stories about certain topics due to the fact that this is on the internet and accessible to anyone. I wish I could tell you all of the stories but since I can't, I will tell you the ones that I can...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

definitely out of titles

thankfully i'll be in sudan shortly and my internet access (or lack thereof) will force my mother to have to come up with clever titles when she posts my emails.

Quote of the day: "eight thousand people die from AIDS every day because treating them is not 'cost effective'" -a poster on the wall here at msf

Observation of the day: trying to type on a french keyboard is about as much fun as having a root canal (sorry dad, but it's not like you think people enjoy those visits to your office, right?)

Question of the day: how is it possible for people to live in geneva, the city of chocolate, bread and cheese, and not weigh 500 pounds and have to be moved with cranes?

so i'm just killing time right now, waiting for my daily onslaught of meetings and information to start. i just had a checkup at the hospital to get my diploma saying i'm healthy enough to go on this trip. i have to say, european doctors have quite a different approach to performing check-ups. i definitely felt that she, at the very least, should have taken me for dinner and a movie first. oooh, there's a very pregnant woman standing beside me and it's taking some serious self-control to not reach over and palpate her large belly. and now she's drinking a coke- that's awesome. if she lights up i am no longer going to be responsible for my actions. dad, you'd still wire me bail money after that root canal comment, right?

seeing as how i'm saying nothing of interest (to you, or to me) i'm going to end this. my friend, efrat, is coming to geneva to hang out with me tonight and tomorrow, which so rules. maybe i'll get a chance to enjoy geneva for a moment, rather than forever associating it with endless meetings and videos on such uplifting topics as genocide and female circumcision.

au revoir...


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