Amy's Adventures in Darfur

I started this blog when I left for Darfur in June 2006. I was working as a midwife with MSF aka "Medecins Sans Frontiers" aka "Doctors without Borders" but this blog contains my own opinions and stories- not those of MSF. It is less political than I want it to be and I have been unable to post stories about certain topics due to the fact that this is on the internet and accessible to anyone. I wish I could tell you all of the stories but since I can't, I will tell you the ones that I can...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Two women

these pictures are from a night whose story ("two women")i can't post. it is a night that we tried to keep a girl alive as we waited for her family to come donate their blood to save her life. we waited and waited and waited. they never came.
i like that these pictures are hazy and dream-like as that entire night was hazy and dream-like.


blood typing

one of our beloved staff gives their blood to save a strangers child

a life-saving blood transfusion by lamp-light


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