Amy's Adventures in Darfur

I started this blog when I left for Darfur in June 2006. I was working as a midwife with MSF aka "Medecins Sans Frontiers" aka "Doctors without Borders" but this blog contains my own opinions and stories- not those of MSF. It is less political than I want it to be and I have been unable to post stories about certain topics due to the fact that this is on the internet and accessible to anyone. I wish I could tell you all of the stories but since I can't, I will tell you the ones that I can...

Friday, September 29, 2006

reality and my staff

There are two more emails from Amy that you can request from her Mom ( They are titled "reality" and "my staff". You will have to write and tell her who you are and how you know Amy. In order to be careful we will not send the messages to anyone we don't know. I know that this all seems terribly clandestine with a touch of cloak and dagger but we've got to be careful. Thanks!


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